Never played FFA on Black Ops and am getting a little tired of the usual game types I play so I’m trying out FFA. I always want to get better so you’ll see my progression as I get better scores until I go Flawless in Black Ops Free-for-All plus I get a pretty decent game-winning kill in my opinion for a FFA Watch Instinct Pt. II Here: Watch Seriously!? Ep. 4: After-Life Triple Collateral Here: Watch How to Spawn Trap on Hanoi Here: Follow me on the Machinima Army Respawn Facebook Application for important updates and exclusive videos! ____________________________________________ This Call of Duty: Black Ops video will show you: How to play Call of Duty: Black Ops How to Use the Sniper How to Win a FFA How to Build killstreaks with sniper Tags:yt:quality=high “Call of Duty” “Black Ops” BlackOps Treyarch Activision UPC 047875840034 CoD “Hardened Edition” EAN “047875840225″ Vietnam first-person shooter FPS Microsoft Xbox 360 X360 Sony “PlayStation 3″ PS3 Windows Vista “Windows 7″ PC Nintendo Wii DS machinima respawn gameplay commentary tdm team death match flawless The toad to becoming a pro sniper Stadium bigbst4tz bigbst4tz2 quickscope sniper “how to” Flawless Sniping Villa series “Episode 1″ Road Becoming Pro Sniper yt:quality=high “Call of Duty” “Black Ops” BlackOps Treyarch Activision UPC 047875840034 CoD “Hardened Edition” EAN “047875840225″ Vietnam first-person shooter FPS Microsoft Xbox 360 X360 Sony “PlayStation 3″ PS3 …
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