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5 Common Mistakes That Put Your SMB Clients At Risk for A Hack

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

Hackers, it turns out, target SMBs with as much frequency as large businesses. SMBs are at the same level for risk of security and credit card breaches as large corporations, according to the New York Times. In addition, the National Small Business Association’s 2014 Year-End Economic Report reveals half of 675 small businesses reported being victims of attacks in 2014, an increase of 44 percent from 2013. Of those companies, 68 percent reported having been hacked at least twice. “What SMBs need to understand is that every business is a worthwhile and valuable target,” says Kevin Watson, CEO of Netsurion. “What this also illustrates is that cybercriminals are not using sophisticated or ‘new’ methods of attack, so SMBs have no excuse for not using a more comprehensive solution to bolster security and decrease their chances of becoming the next headline. Watson outlines five frequent mistakes that often lead to credit card breaches for SMBs, all of which IT solutions providers can correct: Not Protecting Inbound Internet Traffic. According to Watson, the first thing hackers look for is a way into the business being targeted. Every data circuit and Internet connection needs to be protected by a strong and adaptable firewall […]

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