Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans
InfoSec Southwest is an annual information security and hacking conference held in Austin, Texas, one of the most interesting and beautiful cities in the United States. By addressing a broad scope of subject-matter, InfoSec Southwest is intended to both provide a comprehensive and valuable forum to all participants as well as fill a gap for our local attendees left by the other few conferences held here in Texas which are all focused on a narrower scope of subject matter or a narrower slice of audience demographic.InfoSec Southwest also provides a completely open lunch forum for lightning and turbo talks that is not constrained by a speaker selection process, mirroring our wildly successful local AHA! hacker meeting format. This forum is held during our long lunch breaks during both days of the conference and is open for anyone attending the conference to speak on any topic they wish in a first-come, first-speak order. As such, we invite everyone to attend and participate. source:
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