Malloy unveils statewide criminal justice reform


Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

Addressing a crowd of over 100 state and city officials, activists and students Tuesday afternoon at the Yale Law School, Gov. Dannel Malloy announced major criminal justice reforms aimed at decreasing crime and reintegrating nonviolent offenders into society. Malloy’s Second Chance Society initiatives seek to build on progress made in reducing the state’s crime rate, which is already at a 48-year low. Malloy’s plan centers on five main points: reclassifying specific nonviolent offenses, eliminating mandatory minimum sentences for drug possession, streamlining both the parole system and the pardons system, and creating job and housing opportunities for ex-offenders. “When making an honest living is not an honest option, too many will choose a lifetime of crime,” Malloy said. “[These initiatives] will help break the cycle of crime and poverty that hurts too many families and communities … Now is time to double down on efforts and what evidence will tell us will work.” Malloy said he plans to unveil additional executive actions in the upcoming days. He added that he intends to work with non-profit organizations, housing advocates and even religious institutions to implement the initiative’s goals. He also highlighted the role of community colleges in bolstering job training for released […]

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