Orange County crime lab has a new way to connect the bullets – 3D ballistics


Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

SANTA ANA – A new 3D bullet-analyzing technology is used two places in the United States: on the TV show “CSI” and at the Orange County Crime Lab. The lab is the first in the U.S. to put to work a new scanning system that catalogs more detailed markings and grooves than ever before. “This isn’t ‘CSI,’” forensic scientist Thomas Matsudaira said. It’s real life. “You aren’t ever going to overlap images to find that they completely match,” Matsudaira added. But the machine does create crisper, close-up images that can be rotated and shifted when compared.“The high-resolution 3D marks on the bullets and cartridge cases are compared against each other and candidate hits are produced,” Orange County Crime Lab Director Bruce Houlihan said during a news conference Wednesday morning at the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. Matsudaira gave a demonstration of the new apparatus in the firearm forensics section of the crime lab. After securing a fired 9mm bullet into a standing, vial-shaped holder, Matsudaira inserted it into the scanner. Images quickly appeared on a computer monitor with defined lines and marks that popped while the viewer was wearing movie-style 3D glasses. The bullet database, which recently linked three Anaheim shootings […]

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