DOJ report stark truth in Ferguson, Missouri

DOJ investigation of Ferguson PoliceThe Department of Justice has released a brutally honest and factual account of the Ferguson, Missouri police department and municipal court system. This report came about after the death of unarmed teen Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson in August 2014. Many news outlets are referencing the report as damning and scathing; however this report exposes the economic, political, and social racism African-Americans experience on a day-to-day basis.

Authorities customarily used excessive force, routinely violated civil rights, and ticketed African-Americans disproportionately to generate revenue for the city of Ferguson.  Attorney General Eric Holder stated, “African-Americans made up over 90 percent of those charged with a highly discretionary offense described as manner of walking along roadway. Our review of the evidence found no alternative explanation for the excessive impact on African-Americans other than explicit or implicit racial bias, no other basis…Some of those protestors were right.”  Ultimately the report found “that city, police, and court officials have worked in concert to maximize revenue at every stage of the enforcement process for several years.”

Imagine the economic impact that this has on the lower class Ferguson citizen.  To receive a ticket, for example, for jay walking, could ultimately result in being incarcerated and losing your job permanently.  The loss of employment for non-payment of civil fees could potential lead to loss of housing, quite possibly voting rights, and cause a spiral effect of economic destitution.  This is the reality that many low income citizens throughout the United States face constantly.  Jim Crow laws are practiced through our police and municipal court departments as if it is an incentive program. Unfortunately, the citizens are set up to lose each and every time.

How far have we actually come since the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and the current anniversary of the March on Selma?  The report by the Department of Justice puts the nation on notice that these discriminatory actions are taking place and need to be changed.  Will we demand change that the Police Chief, City Manager, and Mayor be fired and start anew within this city?  Or will we continue to be passive, complain, and turn the page to read the next story on discrimination?  Demanding technical and liberal education should be our first mandate as well as ensuring the citizens of Ferguson are registered to vote.

The fight for racial equality is our responsibility and we need to demand justice as well as educate ourselves on the basic rights we all deserve.

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