Fight against credit card fraud requires all to contribute

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

With recent arrests of several criminal gangs who had travelled to the UAE specifically to break into under-secured homes, it should come as no surprise that cyber fraudsters have also turned their attention to this country. As The National reported yesterday, several hundred credit card holders were recently affected by a security breach executed by an organised group of hackers. Just as the low-crime environment of this country can lead some homeowners to drop their guard, so credit card holders can sometimes be a little lax in ensuring their card information does not fall into the wrong hands. This is a scenario in which everybody has to play their part, starting with the credit card holder themselves using prudence and precaution in all their online dealings, rather than leaving it entirely to the banks. The banks too need to play their part, and many of the security features used here – such as chip-and-pin systems to make illicit cloning of cards much more difficult or the use of SMS-delivered transaction authorisations with 10-minute validity – are up to current global standards. But the issue extends well beyond the card holders and their banks, because it is commonplace to provide detailed […]

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