Security, and marketing it, is the key to a Blackberry resurgence

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

The name BlackBerry resonates with investors as the company who lead the cell-phone revolution, only to be eventually trumped by Apple as they dragged their heels when innovative smartphone technologies came to the market. This is a monkey that might actually always be on the back of BlackBerry, even as they continue to pursue extremely lucrative business opportunities, primarily in a space where they are ahead of the curve: security We do not expect nor do we suggest that BlackBerry BBRY, -0.72% change its name or rebrand itself. In fact, we believe that relationship will only solidify the future business of the company as they pursue security in the Internet of Things (IoT) space. It is our opinion that BlackBerry is in the right place at the right time, again. We know they were ahead of the curve with cell phones, and we currently believe they are ahead of the curve with security as well. Vulnerability threats now expand much further than cell-phone hacking. BlackBerry already offers the most secure cell-phone network. That is why governments use BlackBerry. Interestingly, it is this security and the inability to hack into it and read texts and emails that caused Pakistan, a country […]

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