Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans
SUMMER IS THE Oscar season of hacking. At conferences like Black Hat, Defcon, Summercon, HOPE, and Usenix, benevolent hackers seeking fame and prestige—and occasionally the dream of making the world more secure—show a global audience what they can do. This year they showed us that they can hack your car. In a seemingly non-stop series of proof-of-concept attacks over the last three months, security researchers demonstrated everything from unlocking doors and turning on windshield wipers to jerking steering wheels, disabling brakes and even paralyzing a Jeep on a highway with me inside. To anyone paying attention to all those headlines, it may have seemed like the cyberautopocalypse. But that vehicular doomsday hasn’t actually arrived yet. All of this troubling research should instead serve as the harbinger of a future where digital carjackings are real and even commonplace. Luckily these warnings have come far before any real-world auto hacks with flesh-and-blood consequences. So now that fall is here, let’s take a look back at the summer of 2015, which will forever be known as the Summer of Epic Car Hacking, to filter out the fear and find some lessons instead. Here’s what we’ve learned. 1. Car Companies Need Hackers When hackers […]
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