Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans
A Canadian gold miner has become the latest target of hacker and digital activist group Anonymous. The group has relaunched its #OpCanary movement, a strike against multinational corporations, with Canadian gold miner BCGold Corp its latest target, according to HackRead. Anonymous hacked BCGold’s website and defaced its website, rickrolling the miner by posting a video of 80’s singer Rick Astley’s hit ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’. However, it is understood that the group did not access the miner’s data. According to Anonymous, it is targeting Canadian miners as the “Canadian government and judiciary shield their global mafia from accountability from their human rights abuses and environmental destruction worldwide”. This is not the first time miners have been targeted by hackers. Earlier this year a Ukrainian coal miner was amongst a group of critical infrastructure operations targeted, with hackers introducing malicious codes into their industrial control systems which shut down electric distribution networks and cut power. Closer to home, NSW’s Department of Industry, Resources and Energy was the target of hackers. The Department’s Maitland office came under attack in an attempt to access confidential resources commercial information. “In December [2015], our IT systems noticed a marked increase in virus activity around […]
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