#parent | #kids | #teacher | Education: Local students take over City Hall to learn about government

Students from Gail Ows’ class at St. Martha’s Catholic School got to meet Mayor Bryan Paterson and ask questions in Memorial Hall as one of their Beyond Classroom activities on federal election day on Monday. (Julia McKay/The Whig-Standard)

Julia McKay / Julia McKay/The Whig-Standard

As Canadians were heading to the polls to vote in the federal election on Monday, a class of fifth graders from St. Martha’s Catholic School got to see their local government at work firsthand.

The 29 students from Gail Ows’ class have spent this week at City Hall as part of the Beyond Classrooms program and got to meet with Mayor Bryan Paterson in Memorial Hall.

During the hour-long question-and-answer session, the students discussed the role of elected officials and asked Paterson a variety of questions, ranging from what it’s like to be mayor and what the city is doing about climate change, and discussed the popularity of e-scooters and how to properly feed the ducks around City Hall.

One of the students even asked the mayor if he had voted and for whom he voted. After a quick thought, the mayor answered that he voted in an advance poll and said that, while he wouldn’t divulge for whom he voted, he had a chance to meet all of the candidates who were running and said they were all really good candidates.

“I think it was a really good experience,” Vienna Brown, one of the students, said. “I like that (the mayor) answered all our questions because now I know a little more about what he’s going to do and what he has done (as mayor).”

She was surprised at how approachable and friendly Patterson was.

“I think the most surprising part about meeting the mayor was I thought he was going to be serious and stuff because of his job,” Brown said. “Not that it wouldn’t be fun, but he’d be very serious with his answers, but he was almost like he had an uncle or dad feel to him because he just had a really nice smile and didn’t ignore you.”

For classmate Jacob Horton, he was surprised he even got the chance to meet the mayor.

“I thought that he’d send somebody,” Horton said. “(I liked) that he listened to you really well and it felt pretty good not being ignored. I had some questions and it was pretty cool that I got to meet the mayor as a 10-year-old.”

The students recognized the importance of holding an election as a way of choosing a leader.

“You need to know the right person so you know what he’ll do and how he’ll do it, because if someone gets picked randomly then you don’t know what they’ll do,” Horton said. “If you have an election, you’ll know who to choose and when you vote. It’s your opinion. We just did the student vote (last week) and I think they want us to have an experience and know more about our government.”

“We’ve been focusing on (learning about) the government since September, so it’s a really good experience for us to be here on election day,” Brown added.

During their time at City Hall, the main question the students are looking to answer is, “How does our city promote responsible government and active citizenship?”

“At the end of the week, students will use their persuasive skills to debate whether or not the city should begin an e-scooter program,” Karla Tynski, Beyond Classrooms Kingston co-ordinator, said in a news release. “Students will hear about a number of City of Kingston initiatives, from the Engage for Change project to the work being done to tackle climate action.”

“A debate, from the pros and cons sides, will figure out and try and make people happier because they debated on it,” Brown said.

Paterson said he’d love to hear the results.

The Beyond Classrooms program sees classes spend a week in a community space, like a museum, gallery or community hub, where the “host site becomes an extension of the teacher’s classroom, where he or she can help students enhance their literacy, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, in an authentic environment.”

For more information on Beyond Classrooms, go online to beyondclassrooms.ca.



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