How to restore iphone 4 4.3.5,4.3.4,4.3.3 to any lower firmmware! (including error 1013 fix).mp4

In this tutorial, im gonna show all of you iphone jailbreakers out there who are struggling to restore their iphone to a custom lower firmware and then getting this annoying error 1013 :( !!! so i have found an easy fix to this, very simple and effective, ignore all of them other techniques of going into the host file and changing that, doesnt works no more!! the newer and easier and effective techniqe is in the video! first up, get your firmware ( the one you want to restore your iphone to) here is the link if you dont know it: then plug your iphone into your mac/window pc, and go to itunes, click on your idevice and hold shift + left click on your mouse/touchpad and select your downloaded custom firmware you want to restore to :) do the restore and after when the restore fails with the error 1013 go to the following site: then click on the link according to the custome firmware you have restored to and downlaod the program to kick your device out of recovery following the instruction on the site!! and once thats done, happy using your device again and jailbreak if you want to! remeber if you have restored to firmware 4.3.3 to jailbreak it you can easily do that using on your iphone instead of the longer process in the redsnow :) if this has helped you, pls rate, like, comment and subscribe for future video updates, peace!

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