Having been a former union employee for many years, I can assure you that Union Presidents always have an ulterior motive and it most likely has nothing to do with the rank and file. Also fire fighting is a chosen job be it as a volunteer or fulltime. Focusing on the use of the word “professional” is childish. It doesn’t matter what your chosen profession is, in any case your a professional whatever. Also, just being a firefighter does not make one a hero. I for one respect the service they perform but certainly don’t accept the automatic hero worship that Mr. Lang seems to think is deserved.
– Geoff C, Webster
If you take away the perks like the hotels and catering,as well as conferences in Vegas,you may lose the talent.These people chose to work for this company for the good pay and benefits.Take it away and they might leave the company.
– State Worker, Claremont
to ben spenard– what is your grueling line of work? we’d like to know.
– Rob Berhauzer, plaistow
What needs to be understood is the non-profit health trust pool has kept excess monies to live their lush lifestyles when it should be sent back to towns and cities and used to offset health insurance increases. Thereby keeping taxes lower. Apparently the head-hunting for public employees has taken a precedence to some of you commenters instead of trying to understand the bigger picture.
Also The PFFNH phone calls you receive are a fundraiser and are stated as such. So I’m not seeing the connection of for example my tax money going to the PFFNH lawyers. My tax money is that is supposed to be for health insurance is being used in other avenues of the LGC and I want to see it go back into my town!
– Big picture, NH
Just remember not all FF’s in this state belong to the PFFNH and most of them do not support Mr.Lang’s ideas or what he does. Ever get one of the PFFNH calls selling tickets for one of their fundraisers ??? ask where all the $$$ goes, because it’s most likely not to going to benefit your community it’s paying for another one of Mr.Lang’s personal vendettas.
– JM, Littleton
Maybe it is time for Lang and the boys to have their books looked at, anyone get the calls for the PFFNH Fundraisiers, is public money being used to create these frivilous accusations, or fund political campaigns to benefit PFFNH.
– Concerned, Concord
Thanks for trying to make LGC accountable for taxpayers money.
– Tim, Canterbury
Lang and his merry gang of fire fighters should all be fired and replaced with volunteers. Talk about a complete and utter waste of taxpayers moneys. Fire fighters are the wrost, police officers actually do something, firefighters take a rubber hose and spray water on fire, ooh tough job. Get rid of em all.
– ben spenard, manchester
I am really, really tired of people trashing teachers. It seems that every article, no matter how unrelated, somehow gets back to trashing teachers. If all you trashers think it is such a cake job, with high salaries and benefits, then why aren’t you standing in front of a class of students? Stop being so ingnorant and learn about what you think you know so much about.
– Mo Mo, Raymond, NH
It is time to get rid of the unions, especially teachers and school support.
– Time for a chsnge, Nh
How is Mr. Lang allowed to keep hacking away at this and spending the PFFNH money on lawyers, etc. Better yet whose money is it anyway, taxpayers? Who pays for Lang’s health insurance, could it be Hampton? Sounds like he didn’t get his way when he was on the board and now he’s making everyone, including the PFFNH pay for his wrong doing. He needs to get all his facts together, which he clearly has not!
– Unknown, Concord
I t appears that Tom, Pembroke overdosed on the P.F.F.NH. Kool Aid! Thanks for the laugh!
Should we guess what your occupation (excuse me, profession) is? True professionals never boast, or seek unwarranted attention. Only the truly inept and their maladroit leader feel the need to rub our noses in it!
Many Red Cross workers along with soup kitchen workers are VOLUNTEERS!!!
– Camellia Sinensis, Somewhere over the rainbow
“The firefighters have lost so much credibility that whenever I see a story about anything they object to, I immediately side with the other party. The firefighters are overpaid, underworked, and overbenefitted. They need a good kick in the fire pants.
– tommy, manchester,nh”
A horrible generalization. I do not see you beating down the door to do their job.
– Unknown, New London
“Wouldn’t be too quick to single out Lang here. LGC pays their employees outragous salaries in comparison to similar jobs in the area. They send their employees home early when it snows, even the slighest inch of snow…they shut down their entire operation—who does that? Most busineses in NH operate when it is sleeting outside or freezing rain. Yeah they may “care” about employee safety, but really they have lots of perks from what I know. “
If you want to support Dave’s personal cause by throwing blame at LGC, at least get yourself updated. The weather-related closures for employee safety ended upon the change of CEO prior to last winter. As a Dave supporter, you should be in favor of an employer allowing their employees extra time to navigate to and from work safely in inclimate weather. Are you in favor of employer practices that look out for employee safety only when the employees are PFFNH member, or are you in favor of it for all employees? (and no I am not an LGC employee now, but I was at one time. And I didn’t get any perks either.)
– Get the facts, Manchester
To all these nay sayers on this board: Might I remind you that it was the fire fighters that brought this issue to a head. If they had not gone out and file the lawsuit, the LGC would be continuing to do what they do without any oversight.
I will also remind all of you nay sayers, that its YOUR money that the LGC is using to do all this…. YOUR money, not the fire fighters money, YOUR hard earned money…
Don’t bite the hand that feeds you in regards to this battle.
– George, Nashua
Everything has fallen apart under the Lynch Administration. Maybe instead of running again in two years he will go back to assembling furniture.
– Bob, Salem
Are you people serious? This organization owes towns and taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars each from unused health costs and you choose to insult the side that is right on this issue? The LGC would have taxpayers believe that the “wellness programs” they run cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and save them even more. You may not like the pay and benefits that public employees garner, but stick to the facts; the LGC is using taxpayer money to fund retreats, cocktail parties, fund lobbyists and hold back that same money that they are supposed to return, by law! Most of you couldn’t do half the job our local firefighters perform. Your jealousy and ignorance shines through with every, mispelled post.
– Carl, Bedford
Yeah Ms. Carroll no findings, of course there are no findings…. instead you pay the employees of LGC outrageous salaries in comparison to similar paid jobs in the industry/area. I’m sorry but I saw those salaries posted months back…an Account Manager for an insurance company that does not manage people, on average makes 35-42 K per year, not 75-80K. A person that processes enrollment forms makes 35K per year, a job that is traditionally 12-14 dollars per hour and data entry only? Also why does the head of HR at LGC make more than an elementary school principal. Doesn’t make sense to me.
– Unknown, Manchester
A union guy holding a sign reading “over charging me doesn’t save me money”.
Now that is funny.
How about a private sector employee holding a sign that says “overpaying union employees does not save me money”.
Wait until the new year when everyone who has a portion of their healthcare paid by their employer finds out that the money the employee pays in will now be considered taxable income.
– Zizzy, Manchester
The reason why is because there aren’t any volunteer:
police officer
sanitation engineer
lunch lady
daycare worker
auto tech
There are distinct differences between career firefighters and volunteer firefighters. Disclaimer: This is not an attack on volunteer firefighters. In fact many volunteer fire departments/firefighters use “Volunteer” to preface themselves or their department out of pride. That is OK. But no one says “C’mon who puts volunteer before their community service title”
*Volunteer Boyscout
*Volunteer Election Worker
*Volunteer Elected Offical
*Volunteer Rotarian
*Volunteer Red Cross Worker
*Volunteer Soup kitchen
The Professional Firefighters pride themselves with this as their profession, not their hobby.
– Tom, Pembroke
Tommy in Manchester said it all. Almost everyone I talk to feels this way. Its time for a change……….
– Bob, Portsmouth
Wouldn’t be too quick to single out Lang here. LGC pays their employees outragous salaries in comparison to similar jobs in the area. They send their employees home early when it snows, even the slighest inch of snow…they shut down their entire operation—who does that? Most busineses in NH operate when it is sleeting outside or freezing rain. Yeah they may “care” about employee safety, but really they have lots of perks from what I know. Could be a case of LGC covering up things too. Again, wouldn’t be quick to single out Lane.
– Unknown, Manchester, NH
And nowhere in this ‘news’ story from the UL (or any previous UL clip on the fight between Land and the NHLGC) does it mention that Mr. Lang was once a director and sat on the board of the NHLGC. He lost a political row with NHLGC’s pervious President and was vote out of the NHLGC. Since then, he has union dues from the Professional Firefighters of New Hampshire to file roughly a dozen lawsuits against NHLGC. Shouldn’t union dues be used to help PFNH member do their job and not ax grinding with a political rival.
As for healthcare costs, it’s beyond the power of NHLGC and any other agency to reduce costs in today’s market. The best that they can do is to try to control costs, and wellness programs, pooling resources, etc. are the best tools out there right now. Mr. Lang knows this, which is why PFNH continues to participate in the NHLGC’s programs. His problems is that towns can longer afford to pay the Union’s medical insurance at 100%, an issue that every town and state agency in the county to trying to deal with.
– Will, Windham NH
How refreshing to see a union do something other than demand taxpayer rip offs or defend dirty cops. Figures it would be firefighters. Thanks, Guys.
– Michele, Manchester
George Will wrote this story? really?
“The” George Will? anyone home UL?
– RG, Manchester
Professional babies!
Who else has to put Professional before their occupation.
Drive by any firestation and they are sitting on their behinds in the fire station frat house.
We the taxpayers are getting hosed by the Professional Clown Firefighters aka cabbage cookers.
*Professional teachers
*Professional judges
*Professional waitress
*Professional police officer
*Professional sanitation engineer
*Professional lunch lady
*Professional daycare worker
*Professional community orginizer
*Professional auto tech
– Kate, Manchester
Lang said firefighters, teachers and state employees will picket.
All the above should be terminated if they do picket…nothing more than spoiled brat “cry babies”!
Public high school education or less…check Perform a cat in a tree “rescue”…check
If they were not a public employee they would be on welfare…check
Overpaid, underworked…check
Sleep on the job, watch television on the job, personal business on the job, and to add insult to injury, work a second job while “on duty”!
Never ending solicitations to benefit the “underpaid” P.F.F.NH. membership…check
Thug attitude, know-it -all smug attitude…check
Spare me the “first responder” nonsense! Know the real facts before you spew that falsehood! Meet any or all of the above and you to can be a professional fire fighter of New Hampshire!
– Camellia Sinensis, Somewhere over the rainbow
A fraternal organization such as this, if it wishes to be respected, (not just feared), should choose its leadership wisely.
This goon Lang with his bullying, infantile rants, threats and vendettas, reflects upon all firefighters those ugly characteristics. Like it or not.
People will eventually tire of your tactics, stop buying into your hero public servant bull and call you for what you’re becoming, a whining pack of bullies.
– Steve, Lee
Dave Lang could negotiate to have the Town of Hampton firefighters coverage through Cigna, Primex, SchoolCare, Harvard Pilgrim, MVP and any other carrier in the state with the exception of Anthem. LGC has a partnership with Anthem only, not three other healthcare providers in the state as he is quoted as saying. Dave Lang knows that it’s only Anthem. But facts don’t mean anything to him, it’s all about the spin. In case Dave hasn’t noticed, across the entire country employers and unions are having trouble settling contracts because of the high cost of healthcare.
– Lee, Manchester
How about a very simple win-win solution for everyone?
First, either make the LGC a government agency entirely or eliminate it. “Quasi-government� is yet another term which refers to the unhealthy collusion of government and corporation. Fascism is another one that accurately describes it. Rather than pay the administrative costs of a “quasi-government� bureaucracy on top of the actual insurance costs which provide insurance for a very small number of employees, eliminate the organization and let State, town, city and any other employees currently covered by the LGC to purchase their own insurance. Insurance companies can provide a “New Hampshire State employee rate� just as they do for businesses which can afford to provide insurance benefits to their employees. This will eliminate wasteful spending and provide competitively priced insurance options for all NH government employees.
If the goal were to actually drive down the cost of healthcare (as opposed to driving down the use of healthcare resources) there is one logical solution. That solution is to eliminate the insurance companies, CMS (Medicare and Medicaid) and social security from the ‘customer’ bracket of healthcare and restore the patient as the customer of healthcare. In 2008 all of aforementioned entities functioned as the customer of healthcare where the customer is always right as he or she is the one with the money paying the bills. Obamacare simply guaranteed more business for each without addressing cost.
– Michael Layon, Derry
The LGC is not the only game in town for health insurance. All of the carriers will write you a plan directly if you ask, and Primex will do the same. At a savings from LGC’s rates with the same plans. The key is towns need to ask,and unions need to get out of the way and agree to the change.
– jim, lakes region
Anyone else find it ironic that union members are annoyed that they are paying money and getting less than what they paid for? The Taxpayers have been feeling this way for a long, long time.
– Ben, Manchester
A couple things about this protest.
First, Mr. Lang is the same guy who tried to get his town separated from the statewide enhanced 911 system, because his town claimed they could do a better job. By attempting this, he could have hobbled the statewide system and denied hundreds of thousands of NH’s citizens medical dispatch. With him, it was all about his own selfish interest, to the detriment of all others. Eventually, they had to make him part of the 911 to stop his whining.
Second, this guy is now in with the SEIU, (you know, the people responsible for bringing us President Obama, as will as the rest of his socialist/marxist redistribution of wealth ilk) the ones who helped to drive Nobama’s healthcare bill. They don’t seem to like the Nobama care much, or it’s high cost now.
Mr.Lang and the rest of your SEIU cronies, enjoy the bed you have made for yourselves, sleep well in it!
I hope SEIU members who don’t support all the Obama socialist policies leave their union, so it can stop funding the candidacies of marxists, and big spending liberals.
We the People have made a difference on Nov.2nd. We are watching, and relying on the protection of divine providence.
God Bless America!
Always an Eagle,
Bry Therieau
– Bryan Therieau, Sarasota, FL
The firefighters have lost so much credibility that whenever I see a story about anything they object to, I immediately side with the other party. The firefighters are overpaid, underworked, and overbenefitted. They need a good kick in the fire pants.
– tommy, manchester,nh
“Lang said firefighters, teachers and state employees will picket the LGC’s annual conference at the Radisson Hotel later in the day to drive home its message”
This is just great. Hack public employees complaining about someione wasting money. Maybe they need to clean up there own house first!
– Mike Bodruk, Manchester
I’m always amazed at how unions like the “Professional” Firefighters are always complaining about understaffed shifts and a lack of sufficient numbers of men to fight fires, but they can come up with a gaggle this large when there is money involved.
The PF union in addition to the SEIU and other thug organizations are somewhat scary.
– Melvin, Keene
Would be interesting to know who set up this shell game to begin with making the LGC the ruler of healthcare for government employees. Must have been the Unions in their wisdom, similar to the scam they are now running trying to get memebers to buy on to AFLEC and make money from claims. Really we need some honesty somewhere in regards to health care – someone is getting rich while the rest of us get sick and unable to afford an MD. Wellness Programs are a joke-they won’t even assist with smoking cession medication or diabetes assistance. Please…the LGC and the Unions deserve each other, mirror image.
– Bill, Mancheseter, NH
If Mike Lang is involved in something one can better look with a jaundiced eye at his motives. I personally witnessed Lang and the members of the Professional Firefighters when they tried to scuttle the implementation of the new State Emergency 911 system solely because him and his organization of strong armed thugs looked upon the new system as competition and used some questionable methods to prevent it’s approval. The PFFNH thugs were making telephone calls to the public to raise funds to finance a campaign to prevent the full implementation of the Enhanced 911 state wide system. In one of their efforts I was one of many who received push polls call asking if I was for or against the new emergency call system. Anything that the Lang and PFFNH are involved you can bet is being done solely doned their benefits and no one else.
– Richard L. Fortin, Manchester
I don’t think it will be long before the state finds out about Dave Lang and the shenanans this clown has been involved in. Lang shouldm be careful about who he says misuses money receieved from people who tryst those with money given over to others thinking it is being used for a proper means.
– robert perrault, manchester
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