The A – Z of the Philippine Underground Scene & the Cyber World

ProjectX Hackers

The year is 2012 and a lot of things happened in our country’s cyber world and the flow of traffic in our location. And because of that, I figured out that I can summarize and enumerate the events, people, groups, tools, etc. that made some impact to the underground scene, cyber world, information security and the cyber space by using the English alphabet just like the A-Z of the Fiba Asia 2011(haha I sooo love basketball).

A for Asianpride

The Asianpride underground group is one of the most popular underground groups in the Philippines during the early 90′s – 200? (I’m not really sure when the group was disbanded coz they just disappeared in the scene) which is composed of pinoy defacers, exploiters, coders, programmers, skiddies and blackhats. They are responsible for the 4 o’clock Project.  Their aim was to publicize the flaws of Philippine websites during that time which some websites are vulnerable to IIS.  The website contained their mass defacements, defacement mirrors from popular Philippine websites like, Globe ISP,, ABS-CBN websites, this was vulnerable to SQLI before),,, etc. and also penetration testing tools. The Asianpride is also responsible for the Anino Firewall Project which is based on the OpenBSD kernel.


B for Busabos

busabos is a Filipino defacer and hactivist. He is also a former member of the Asianpride. Responsible for defacing a lot of government websites like TESDA, NDCC, DOLE, DOH etc. during the years 2009-2010. You can check his notifications about the websites he defaced in Zone-H.

tesda hacked

C for C Programming Language

The death of Dennis Ritchie who invented C and one of the hackers of UNIX, shocked the Filipino programmers because if it isn’t for Dennis, there will be no C Programming. Linux is coded in C and most of exploits for rooting Linux are coded in C thus making it a cool and a good computer programming language.

D for d4rkb1t

d4rkb1t is a Filipino defacer who made an impact to the media for defacing the GMA News Official Website.

E for Eyestrain

Eyestrain is a former member of Asianpride and then joined the and gained popularity because of a Time Magazine article entitled Hacker’s Paradise. AsianPride Crew and (or at least hackers who claim to belong to these groups) have tangled in the past, taunting each other in the messages they leave on defaced sites. “

eyestrain hacker

picture courtesy of Time Magazine

F for Facebook

Facebook is the most popular social networking site where Filipinos hang out.

G for Greyhat Ethical Hacker

Greyhat Ethical Hacker a.k.a Dukhang Hacker is a hacker wannabe whose face was publicize in some government websites by defacers who disliked him because of his arrogance and attitude. He claims he is a Security Professional, Penetration Testing Student, WIFI Key Hacker Professional, and NBI Agent but none of these are true. He is the “Ankit Fadia” of the Philippines.

NBI Agent

H for is a Linux box owned by sysmon who was a former Oneball member. The box was intended for pentesters and exploiters because he allows users to login the SSH server and try root the box. So far only Kont was able to root his box. But now contains pictures of naked girls and that logging in to the host through port 22 is already blocked. Checked out some of its logs in pastebin. Btw, the fake AnonPH doesn’t own this host.

I for the “I Love You Virus Incident”

The ‘I Love Your Virus’ is one of the most large computer virus outbreaks recorded in man’s history.  The virus was said to cause US $5.5 billion in damages worldwide which also forced the CIA, Pentagon, etc. to shut down their email systems. The man responsible for the said outbreak was a student from AMA named Onel de Guzman. Rumors spread that Onel is already in the CIA or Microsoft but it’s just a hoax and he hates being called a hacker.

J for Jhael

jhael is a programming student who developed the ProjectX WHMCS Pentesting Tool. Jhael is one of the original members of the ProjectX Crew. ProjectX WHMCS Pentesting Tool will always be the first pentesting tool coded in VB.NET for the WHMCS Local File Disclosure Vulnerability but today there are copies of the program because it was not obfuscated. The HackterTalk WHMCS Pentester is a copy of jhael’s tool.

WHMCS Exploit Tool

K for Kahel Operating System

Kahel OS is the first and only Filipino Linux Distro which is based on Arch Linux and uses Gnome as its Desktop Environment.

L for Leechers

Yes guys, Philippines is a home of information leeching because in this country, nobody can stop information freedom and insemination. Downloading a torrent is also a form of leeching if you don’t seed back. Sharing of information in forum sites without giving due credits to the original author is also a  form of leeching. Leeching is not bad as long as the author agrees to spread it and he does not sue people for intellectual property.

M for Metasploit

Even though this tool was not developed by a Filipino, I decided to include Metasploit in this list because it is cool. Metasploit has been a very good penetration testing and auditing tool in the Information Security industry. Metasploit is an open source computer security project and tool developed by HD Moore who is also known for creating WarVOX, AxMan, the Metasploit uncloaking Engine and the Rogue Network Link Detection Tools. Metasploit is a popular software here in the Philippines which is used by a lot of security professionals and vulnerability accessors.

HD Moore

N for N1tr0b

n1tr0b is one of the crew leaders of Philker and a teenager who likes PHP programming. He gained popularity because of his website which contains valuable information and security tips. Despite critiques from the fake AnonPH and the semi-dox, n1tr0b continues his legacy as a Security Adventist here in the Philippines. Ohw, and check out his site coz his avatar is cute. LoLz

O for Oneball

Oneball is another underground group in the Philippines which is similar to Asianpride but they are the rivals of Asianpride. Later, some of the members of Asianpride and Oneball teamed up and named their group to PH Team (not the forum).

 P for Philker

Philker is a group of young people and teenagers who are defacers, security adventists, hactivists, security enthusiasts and PHP geeks. They call their leaders ‘crew leaders’ which reminds me of my Senior Scout years. ;)

Philker Logo

Q for QT

I can’t really think of something else but just QT which is a cross-platform and UI Framework. My friends are digging into this.


ROOTCON is the premier hackers conference in the Philippines which is similar to DEFCON. It is a gathering of hackers, security professionals, antivirus pipz (people who works for antivirus companies), security enthusiasts, BSD geeks, Linux nyakers, n00bz, script kiddies, people from the underground, etc.

Solid DNS Capture the Flag

S for Script Kiddies

Philippines is also a home of script kiddies who thinks they are hackers just by using tools like Havij, Mole, SQL helper, etc. Some people out there believe that defacers are hackers which is really a misconception. Hackers create not break stuffs. Hackers are the ones responsible for building BSD and Linux to what it is today. Defacing != Hacking.

T for The ProjectX Blog

The ProjectX Blog is a community blog about Information Security, Penetration Testing, Information Technology, Linux, OpenVMS, BSD, Cyber Culture, Society, Policies and Warfare.

U for Ub3rh4xor

Ub3rh4xor is a term for elite hackers / 1337 hackers. The term may be too much but here in the Philippines, there are good hackers but they just kept their mouth shut. They don’t deface sites but they possess the skills of a ninja and knows the art of cyber ninjitsu. Defacing sites could just get you into trouble thus leave no trace. But China has a lot of ub3rh4xors of course.

V for Vangie

The Youtube video about Vangie which is a Filipino spoof of Siri, became a viral video during Christmas holidays. I honestly love the video.
The A – Z of the Philippine Underground Scene & the Cyber World, Blog, Cyber, World, Underground, Scene, Philippine

W for WPS Vulnerability

Security Experts has discovered that WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) is vulnerable and not secured because if an attacker tries to bruteforce an Access Point(AP) using WPS Pin Attack within his range, the attacker may be able to recover the WPA/WPA2 passphrase in 4-10 hours but it also depends on the AP. They also found out that the attack may cause a denial of service attack to the router. Because of that Tactical Network Solutions released reaver which is WPS Aattack tool. Reaver is now one of the tools archived by security enthusiasts here in the Philippines.

X for PrivateX

PrivateX is another local underground group in the Philippines. They love the Anonymous Hacktivism Vision and continues to bring in some new defacements as long as your websites are not patched and vulnerable to SQL Injection.

PrivateX Logo

Y for Yzell

yzell is not a famous handle here in the Philippines but this guy is one of the members of the error404 team which is also responsible for the 4 o’clock project thus making him a member of the Asianpride also.

Z for z3r0kul

z3r0kul is the website admin of the 4 o’clock project and a dedicated member of the Asianpride. This guy is into coding penetration testing tools and bruteforce tools. His tools include; Transcender System Key BruteForcer, Mass Socket Analyzer, Solaris /bin/login mismanagement exploit perl script, Internet Protocol Address Range Generator, Automated Banner Grabber , etc.

Socket Programming technology of Perl

The A – Z of the Philippine Underground Scene & the Cyber World, Blog, Cyber, World, Underground, Scene, Philippine

The A – Z of the Philippine Underground Scene & the Cyber World, Blog, Cyber, World, Underground, Scene, Philippine

The A – Z of the Philippine Underground Scene & the Cyber World, Blog, Cyber, World, Underground, Scene, Philippine

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