So when this mum-of-two discovered that her little boy sleeps better in the car than anywhere else, she didn’t think twice about factoring in some backseat nap times.
That is, until she got a rather savage letter posted through her door from an anonymous neighbour.
As the Daily Mail reports, the “dumbfounded” Sydney mum blasted the “low-life” neighbour for passing judgement on her parenting.
The mum raged: “When I find out who this is they are seriously going to regret starting a war with me!”
The comprehensive note – which was shared on social media – read: “I like most of your neighbours walk past your house a couple of times a day and notice that you have your car running constantly on some days.
“I see your child and sometimes you in the car. While I understand you use the car to soothe or put your child to sleep, I am sure you must understand the damage you are doing to the environment.”
Urging the mum to be a “more considerate member of society”, the anonymous parent added: “To have a vehicle like yours running for hours daily for no acceptable reason is beyond comprehension.
“If you truly cared for your children, you would care about the environment you are leaving them in the long-term, not just your short-term convenience/comfort.”
Speaking from experience, the neighbour continued: “I have raised three children and have never had to resort to driving or using a vehicle to put my children to sleep.
“I understand being a parent isn’t easy but taking short cuts that damage our planet (the planet you are leaving your children) is not an acceptable course of action by any standard.”
They then signed off the note by describing themselves as a “neighbour that cares about the environment and our future.”
Giving her side of the story, the desperate mum said she’s not had a good night’s sleep since she became a parent six years ago.
She wrote: “We haven’t had one uninterrupted night’s sleep in almost six years so we do what we have to do to get a well earned break.”
What’s more, the mum said her son easily sleeps for an hour and a half in the car but will instantly wake up if she turns the engine off.
She also mentioned that she doesn’t use her car for three days a week when her son is at daycare.