Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans
New hacker horror stories are being spun all the time, whether it’s Uber accounts being sold on the dark web, or an Anonymous affiliate posting the emails and passwords of Canadian government officials. Have you ever wondered if your email and password are floating around out there in cyberspace as part of a hacker’s massive data dump? Thankfully, a blogger known as “A Tech Dad”—his pen name is “Julian”—will tell you, whether you want to know or not. After hackers succeed in breaching a victim’s security, it’s common for them to post information like passwords, emails, documents, and messages to PasteBin—a site that lets users anonymously post messages in plain text. If your email and password were ever compromised, there’s a good chance that they’ll be in a PasteBin entry. But who spends their days trawling PasteBin, right? With this in mind, Julian decided to take matters into his own hands. He created a tool called Canary that scrapes PasteBin for password and email combos and then emails the people they belong to, letting them know they got hacked. Canary is affiliated with another site calledUrhack, which posts screenshots of hacked sites. There are a few services out there that […]
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