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A woman in Illinois was busted for identity theft

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

You’ve probably been hearing a lot about identity theft on the news recently. There was even a major movie out a couple years ago called “Identity Thief.” That movie may have been a comedy, but the subject matter is actually very real. In fact, identity theft happens every day. Last Wednesday, a woman from Benton, Illinois, was arrested on charges of identity theft. According to WSIL TV: Cynthia Diane South, 54, was arrested Wednesday. Benton Police say South used someone else’s name and Social Security number to open more than eight credit accounts and order items. South is charged with identity theft in the amount of more than $2,000 but less than $10,000. She is being held at the Franklin County Jail on $20,000 bond. A preliminary hearing is set for Aug. 19. Source:

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