Advocating the 10-10-50 Empowerment Plan

10The nonprofit organization African Community Centers for Unity and Self-Determination, Inc. (ACCUSD) proposes the basic 10-10-50 Empowerment Plan for the global interest of African communities in America and beyond. The 10-10-50 undertaking is a monthly dedication based on a person’s participation in community service and business investment. The concept was created for the means of ensuring the needs and strengthening the bonds of African (Black) neighbors as well as directing the people’s monetary value within inner institutions instead of external associations.

By agreeing to the cause, you are expected to volunteer a minimum of 10 hours each month to a community-based organization that shares similar values with the host program. Secondly, a minimum of $10 will be forwarded to the chosen organization. The volunteer will then transfer an additional $50 to support Black-owned and operated businesses. At this point, you can brainstorm creative ways to donate the supplementary fund. This is crucial to maintaining consistent execution towards the overall goal, also serving as a reminder to the respective business that you are committed to the 10-10-50 pledge. The plan of action concludes with the exercise of Imani, or faith, that individual self-improvement and collective reformation are equally spoken for. ACCUSD refers to the purpose of functional unity as “a permanent system that gives us the ability to more effectively control what happens to us as a people, economically, politically, and culturally.”

To quote the organization, “as a people” manifests a movement in which each member’s contribution is of value. The advantage of a large campaign is demonstrated by the amount of power that the group upholds, and most certainly, there is power in numbers. By spreading the 10-10-50 effort, one can only imagine the possible changes and long-term effects in the ongoing course of Black history.

For more information on African Community Centers for Unity and Self-Determination, Inc. and the 10-10-50 Empowerment Plan, click here.

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