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America’s Upside Down Cyber-Priorities

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

The government’s cyber-priorities are backwards. It has chosen bits over bodies, defending the virtual world of ones and zeroes more than the real world of people and homeland security. Through its deeds, it has prioritized net neutrality openness to the detriment of cybersecurity and a more secure Internet. As a result, Americans, American businesses, and America, are less safe and secure today and tomorrow than they could or should be. Many Americans have heard much more from the U.S. Government about what it’s doing to protect against the potential for Internet traffic discrimination by American ISPs under the banner of “net neutrality,” than they have heard about what it is doing to protect Americans, businesses, and the homeland from actual foreign and domestic bad actors, attacks and breaches. The FCC is the poster child of the U.S. government’s upside-down cyber priorities. The FCC’s over-riding priority has been protecting their authority and relevance by insisting that threats to net neutrality, the cyber-utopian principle that “all bits are created equal,” are so severe that the FCC must regulate the Internet’s economics to protect bits from discrimination. In November, President Obama gave a net neutrality speech in which he publicly called for the FCC to […]

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