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Dear citizens of the world. We are Anonymous. We are about to explain, what and who we are, so that you can be able to understand, that there is no distance between you and Anonymous. We are not a group, no movement or something similar. Every single one of us could be your supervisor, your child, your brother, your neighbor or your friend. There is no leader who says “your are in” or “you are out”. We have no age restriction. There is no registration. If you want to be Anonymous, than you already are. A fixed ideologie does not exist. Although our main goal is to protest and fight for human rights aswell as fairness, for everyone. We are against mass brainwashing coming from the government. We literally are the guys, that think “Fuck the system.” Everyone of us, you, your brother, your father, your sister, your son, your wife, your girlfriend, the best friend you’ve ever had, we all breath the same air, no matter were we come from. We all want to be free. We are tired of the text-to-speech-messages, that meet empty attention. People listen to it, they stop and they go. For once, make a difference. Mass protest does make a difference. We are many. You are welcome. Subscribe to this new Anonymous-channel to recieve information, coming from human minds, that want to reach peoples hearts, so we can form our own free legion of fighters against the crimes of the NSA, the FBI and liars in general. You are anonymous. We are legion We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us!

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