Anonymous – Operation DoxTheJudge [MIRROR]

PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION! This was Uploaded by TheAnonMessage on Nov 2, 2011 But first a short message from me (stonehartfloydfan) as to why I have done a mirror of this. This video was not made by me and I am in no way involved with Doxing the judge but as a survivor of child abuse I had beatings as bad as this and far worse, such that I find myself in tears for the girl in this video for I feel every blow with her. I TELL YOU THERE IS NO EXC– USE EVER TO HIT A CHILD LIKE THIS……EVER!!! This is just plain disgusting and her father is a Family court judge! … I am at a loss for words, so you go for it Anonymous this guy needs to step down. The rest below is from Anonymous ——————————————————————————————————– Therefore, we have decided that you, Judge William Adams, shall receive the full fury of Anonymous. Please share this video with everyone. Find us in the IRC @ channel #opdoxthejudge. TRANSCRIPT __________________________ Greetings, Judge Adams. We are Anonymous. Your recent actions have been atrocious, unjust, and as an individual who represents families in judicial disputes, we expected more of you. We have witnessed you mercilessly beating your own disabled daughter for simply “browsing the internet or downloading music”. We are outraged. Such aggression against a child will not stand, especially by someone who has assumed the duty to protect families. However, how ironic it is that