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Anonymous: Operation Traitor Takedown

This is a message to the general public: There is a Poser/Traitor in our midst. Beware! NAME: OfficialAnonymousTV1 CHARGED WITH: Misusing Anonymous videos for personal profit. Greetings OfficialAnonymousTV1, You were warned time and time again, yet you didn’t adhere to our warnings… Therefore your channel must be shut down! Since the creation of your channel you have been misusing the name Anonymous, you call yourself the “official Anonymous”, yet lack the understanding of the very idea you claim to be part of. It ends now! Five months ago, August 28, 2012 at 4:25 PM, the YouTube channel WorldUnitedAnonymous posted a video titled “Anonymous – We Stand United”, it was a message of knowledge, it spread the idea of peace through example. It was free to the people, for all to share and see. It was an idea that belonged to all of us, the people! No one can claim copyright to that idea, no one can use it for profits! There is one greedy son of a bitch that tried to though, his name is OfficialAnonymousTV1. He re-uploaded this idea on January 4th, 2013, this would normally be fine and encouraged. The more we share, the more people can find new knowledge. However OfficialAnonymousTV1 didn’t understand the purpose or meaning of this idea, he perverted it with a new idea of greed & wealth. He saw an opportunity to steal from the people, and he dove headfirst into a corrupt hole of filth. OfficialAnonymousTV1 Has stolen every video on his channel and profits off of an idea meant

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