Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans
Poor cyber security is increasingly affecting all levels of society, whether it is national, local, or personal. With a few strokes of a keyboard, nation states, terrorist groups, stateless organizations, and rogue individuals can launch a cyber-attack from anywhere, at any time, disrupting and damaging our democracy and way of life. Cyber Secure Pakistan’s mission is to establish a multi-stakeholder consortium that brings together industry, government and academic interests in an effort to improve the state of cyber security on both a domestic and international level. We believe that cyber security cannot be contained and outsourced to any one sector. Due to the vast scope of cyber threats, it requires active engagement of all stakeholders, including entities and organizations – large and small – across every industry. The time is now to Plan Globally and Act Locally to protect our country and its citizens. A yearly international conference on Cyber Secure Pakistan is the right platform to solve the cyber security issues. source:
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