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Australian airports vulnerable to hackers

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

Australian airports may have a strong safety culture, but they are vulnerable to hackers with malicious intent because they have been focusing more on their physical assets than on their IT systems, says former hacker turned IT consultant Phil Kernick. Mr Kernick, now the general manager of CQR Consulting, said cyberspace should now be considered the fifth domain of warfare after land, sea, air and space and the image of a hacker as a slightly overweight video game enthusiast sitting in a basement had been replaced by a sophisticated army of attackers reporting to nations like China. “When the bad guys are nation-states you can’t stop them getting in,” he said during a presentation to the Australian Airports Association annual conference in Hobart. He said no precaution would ultimately be good enough to protect against every threat but steps could be taken to lower the risk.   Source:

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