For many, WhatsApp’s blue ticks are a useful feature that let users know exactly when their message has been read. For others, however, these so-called ‘read receipts’ are problematic, putting pressure on the receiver of the message to respond promptly, and creating anxiety for those who are awaiting a reply. …
#parent | #kids | In memoriam: Female trailblazers who leapt over barriers to fight for their sisters | #students | #parents
Adrienne Germain, a women’s health and human rights activist, was once on a small plane returning from a visit to a family planning clinic in a remote part of Brazil. A thunderstorm and loss of air-to-ground communication resulted in an emergency crash landing in the Amazon. Unfazed, Germain, already bruised…
#parent | #kids | #childsafetytips | Situational Awareness and Self-Protection Expert Has Message for Women: Be Informed and Vigilant About Your Safety
Stiletto Agency founder Shelley Klingerman It’s natural to panic when you think you have no control. Training yourself to apply innovation when it comes to personal protection will put you at an advantage.”— Shelley Klingerman TERRE HAUTE, IN, UNITED STATES , December 30, 2022 / — Shelley Klingerman has overdue……
#parent | #kids | 28-year-old Washington State University grad student arrested in University of Idaho killings | #students | #parents
A suspect in the brutal slayings of four University of Idaho students — in crimes that have “shaken our community” — was arrested in Pennsylvania, authorities said Friday. Bryan Christopher Kohberger, a 28-year-old Pullman, Washington, resident, was apprehended in Albrightsville in northeastern Pennsylvania, officials said. He’ll be charged with four…
#parent | #kids | #childsafety | The City prepares recreational facilities for a safe New Year’s weekend
The City of Cape Town released a statement about the steps that have been taken to make sure that people can enjoy recreational facilities safely over the New Year’s weekend. The main goal is to ensure a good time for all, with the understanding that it requires a collective effort…
#parent | #kids | #childsafety | Keep Your New Year Happy and Bright With These Ad Law Tips | Perkins Coie
Another new year approaches, so it’s time for retailers to revisit advertising and marketing law compliance strategies to avoid class actions, regulatory enforcement actions, and competitor challenges. In this Update, we share our picks for the top five U.S. marketing law topics that deserve your attention in 2023. Avoid broad…
#parent | #kids | Newport Beach nonprofit’s winter camp helps children with special needs build friendships | #specialneeds | #kids
Children and young adults with physical and developmental disabilities had the chance to hug alpacas, rams and goats at a petting zoo set up in Bonita Creek Park Thursday. Some, like 12-year-old Dominick Gomez, ran their fingers through the soft coats of animals that had been brought to Orange County…
#parent | #kids | Pandemic learning loss could cost students thousands in income over their lifetime: study | #schoolshooting
A Stanford University study showed that learning loss suffered by students during pandemic restrictions could result in lower incomes throughout their lifetime. “The pandemic has had devastating effects in many areas, but none are as potentially severe as those on education,” the study’s author, Eric A. Hanushek, wrote in its…
#parent | #kids | #childsafety | Questions Swirl About Potential Twitter Hack Affecting 400M Accounts
Twitter has always been somewhat chaotic, but new CEO Elon Musk is taking it to a whole new level. He’s been making dramatic changes since he bought the company for $44 billion on Oct. 27, including laying off half the staff; changing moderation and verification policies; and unbanning extremist accounts. Here’s the most recent…
#parent | #kids | #teensexting | #sexting | 23 Moments That Made Us Smile in 2022 – Rolling Stone
From Rihanna’s baby announcement to Wednesday Addams’ goth dance, our favorite bright spots from another rough year It’s rough to cover the news these days. Each time Slack dings with another assignment, there’s a good chance that it could be a mass shooting, a devastating ruling, a loss of rights…