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Businesses of All Sizes Open to Cyber Attack

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

If our federal government can get hacked, so can you. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management admitted its databases had been breached. In other words, 4 million federal employee records were stolen. As evidenced by other recent breaches at Sony, Target and Home Depot, all it takes is a single hack or virus to invade your business network and lead to a data breach that can cause immense consequences and financial implications for your company or organization. While ongoing advances in technology and cutting-edge systems help businesses work more efficiently, go paperless and obtain greater gains, these innovations can also leave businesses of all sizes vulnerable to cyber liability and create new risk exposures. Most small business owners are not aware that their traditional general liability insurance policies do not cover exposures related to cyber liabilities. Reports on cyber security breaches within larger corporations, major credit card companies, and even the Defense Department are frequently in the news, but rarely do you read about the same type of breaches within smaller businesses because those companies aren’t as newsworthy. But cyber liability can affect businesses whether they’re large or small. According to the 2014 Cost of Cyber Crime Survey conducted by […]

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