Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans
Fightcams” which can automatically alert the police when violence breaks out in the street have been developed by British scientists. The new CCTV system is reminiscent of science fiction movies such as Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report, in which Tom Cruise plays a police officer in a “pre-crime” unit which arrests criminals before they offend. The ground-breaking surveillance cameras use sophisticated technology to analyse how crowds are moving in public, triggering an alert when fists begin to fly. Police said it could help them detect crime “before it happens. The million-pound project to develop the smart cameras is believed to be a world first in using CCTV to analyse people’s behaviour in public. Developed by Cardiff University researchers, the imaging technology alerts CCTV operators and police officers when fights are detected on city centre cameras. Professor Simon Moore, of the university’s violence and society research group, said: “Developing ‘smart’ camera technology that can pinpoint violence is a really cost effective way of helping police to do their jobs. “Officers can’t monitor hundreds of city centre CCTV cameras all the time. “By using imaging technology, officers will be alerted to violence hotspots in real-time, helping to further reduce violence. “It’s a great […]
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