After the latest leak by Snowden The New York times and German magazine
Der Spiegal reported on saturday that NSA has hacked into Huawei, report also said that NSA is targeting political leadership including former Chinese premier Hu Jintau. Chinese Official have demand an explanation from US government on Huawei Hacking.
Hong Lei, The Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said :- China wants a clear explanation from Washington over a report that the U.S. National Security Agency infiltrated servers at the headquarters of telecoms giant Huawei Technologies Co., China was “extremely concerned” about the spying allegations.
“Recently, the international media has put out a lot of reports about the eavesdropping, surveillance and stealing of secrets by the United States of other countries, including China,” he told a regular briefing.
“China has already lodged many complaints with the United States about this. We demand that the United States makes a clear explanation and stop such acts.”
Attacking any other nations national assets without any reason and then claiming that the attack was done in personal defense its called “BULLSHIT”.
After getting exposed badly in public these type of statements don’t have any worth as people of United states knows there government is full of crap.
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