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Cyber Crime: Pakistan making inroads into Assam

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s dream of ‘Digital India’ and ‘Smart Police’ faced a major jolt in Assam as at least 26 state government websites including that of Assam police, Sarba Siksha, Elementary Education, Axom Sarba Siksha Abhijan Mission, Public health engineering, Accountant General and Assam Higher Secondary Educational Council are still struggling to load on the web for almost one month now. Faizal who sneaked into the government websites through a weak link provided in one of the websites, though did not succeeded to fiddle with the data base, but defaced them and uploaded an image “Hacked! Pakistan Zindabad’, security is an illusion”. However, the National Informatics Centre (NIC) which hosts these websites somehow succeeded to unload the image. Since then these websites’ homepages have been displaying ‘The requested URL could not be retrieved’ message. “The NIC is fixing all the weak patches available in these websites and it’s taking a little long. But we want the government websites to be fully protected,” said a senior Criminal Investigation Department (CID) official who is probing the case. The CID registered a case following the hacking. The hacking war between India and Pakistan began in the last week of September when Faisal […]

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