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Cyber Security Tips for Small Business

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

It’s happened again! A big box retailer, healthcare organization or the government have been hacked. Big business cyber attacks have become a common thread in our news feeds. The stories are then followed by news of the investigation, the lawsuits and the public relations spin to restore consumer confidence. What does this mean for the small business owner who may tend to believe the threat is far away and hackers are not interested in a company below certain revenue? If you base your decision on news reports, small business owners would believe that they are immune to attacks as so much attention is given to the big guys. But we know better. The full story about data breaches and hacks is spelled out in the numerous breaches that affect the local grocery store, dry cleaners or cupcake bakery on the corner. It’s true. Data confirms that 85% of cyber related claims come from small businesses. These small businesses that have made data breach claims, have endured the pain of getting back on track. The cost of a forensics investigation, customer notification, public relations and legal defense can be crippling, so much so that 60% of small businesses don’t fully recover […]

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