Oliver Sherman, Sr. Director Product Marketing, Juniper Networks – Chats on encryption calling it an interesting challenge as it touches on so many important areas, including privacy with Teri Robinson, SC Media’s Executive Editor.

Bret Settle, President and CEO, Threat X goes into detail on the importance of keeping tabs on secondary and tertiary apps and not just focus on Layer 7 activity, with SC Media’s Executive Editor Teri Robinson.SHOW MORE

Jack Mannino, CEO, nVisium automation, talks with SC Media Executive Editor Teri Robinson at RSA Conference 2020 about the opportunity that exists to automate systems, but cautions that this can generate more noise than devops teams can handle.SHOW MORE

Matias Katz CEO, Byos Tech discusses the security issues surrounding the use of VPNs with SC Media Executive Editor Teri Robinson at RSA Conference 2020.SHOW MORE