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Cybersecurity Tips For Lawyers

more information on sonyhack from leading cyber security experts

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

This past week, the world learned about the big hack of Biglaw. If your employer was one of the almost 50 firms prestigious enough to be targeted by Russian hackers… congrats? The targeted firms tended to be transactionally oriented; the apparent plan of the hackers was to obtain confidential, market-moving information and trade on it. But litigators should be concerned as well. As noted by Logikcull, the discovery automation platform, ediscovery is the next frontier for hackers. It’s not clear that any information was actually taken or used for insider trading in the big Biglaw hack, but it might still generate headaches for the firms — in the form of litigation. Noted class-action lawyer Jay Edelson — known to the general public for suing tech giants, and known to Above the Law readers for suing ExamSoft (and winning a hefty settlement) — has announced plans to file class-action malpractice cases against various firms, alleging inadequate cybersecurity. That’s at the institutional level. What about the individual level? What can you as a lawyer do to prevent yourself (and your confidential client data) from getting hacked? Here are some tips derived from two panels at the recent ABA TECHSHOW conference: a panel […]

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