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Do-It-Yourself Hacking Kits For Security Experts And Wannabes

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Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

The FBI finally hacked into the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone with a UFED Touch, a mobile forensic extraction device manufactured by Cellebrite – an Israeli cybersecurity firm. The UFED Touch is a complete do-it-yourself kit. It looks like a tiny computer — about the size of an all-in-one business card scanner — with a small monitor and touch screen GUI, and a pen stylus attached. A ruggedized kit aimed at field investigators has a built-in camera for collecting evidence by taking pictures and videos of data during the extraction process. Anyone can do it Legendary cybersecurity expert John McAfee said in an email Q&A exchange “I have watched one (UFED Touch) being used. Astonishingly quick and effective.” According to McAfee the kit comes complete with everything needed to crack an iPhone. Although the product is marketed to law enforcement officials, McAfee says anyone can use one to hack an iPhone in less than an hour. Cellebrite is suddenly popular with news of the iPhone hack spreading. But they aren’t the only ones with a solution for breaking into smart phones. X-ray Droid phones MSAB (previously known as Micro Systemation AB) is headquartered in Sweden and targets law enforcement agencies, governments, […]

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