Earn $150,000 if you can figure out how to hack the Pentagon


Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

The Department of Defense yesterday announced that it would be collaborating with San Francisco-based company, HackerOne for its upcoming challenge to “Hack the Pentagon.” In a statement announcing the opening of registration, Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook said that the pilot program is designed to identify and resolve security vulnerabilities within DoD websites through crowdsourcing. Interested hackers can sign up for the challenge right now on the initiative’s new website. HackerOne, which is a reputable bug-bounty-as-a-service firm based out of California’s Silicon Valley along with DoD will run the Hack the Pentagon pilot program over the next several weeks. The Hack the Pentagon bug bounty pilot will start April 18 and end by May 12, Cook said, and HackerOne will issue qualifying bounties no later than June 10. If hackers find security holes, then they earn up to $150,000 in this “bug bounty” program. However, the size of each payment will depend “on a number of factors,” the Pentagon said. “The program will target several DoD public websites which will be identified to the participants as the beginning of the challenge approaches,” Cook said. “Critical, mission-facing computer systems will not be involved in the program.” Instead, a few of the […]

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