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Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

A land­mark agree­ment on data-shar­ing between the United States and Europe is “in­val­id,” an ad­viser to a top European court said Wed­nes­day, in a de­cision that could lay the ground­work for lim­it­a­tions on the Na­tion­al Se­cur­ity Agency’s glob­al In­ter­net spy­ing prac­tices. The NSA’s use of a trans-At­lantic “safe-har­bor” agree­ment forged in 2000 to com­pel com­pan­ies like Face­book to share per­son­al data on European cit­izens demon­strates a lack of ad­equate pri­vacy pro­tec­tions un­der­gird­ing the pact, said Yves Bot, the ad­voc­ate gen­er­al for the European Court of Justice, in a non­bind­ing but po­ten­tially in­flu­en­tial leg­al opin­ion. “The law and prac­tice of the United States al­low the large-scale col­lec­tion of the per­son­al data of cit­izens of the EU … without those cit­izens be­ne­fit­ing from ef­fect­ive ju­di­cial pro­tec­tion,” Bot wrote. Bot also said that the level of ac­cess gran­ted to the NSA on trans­ferred data con­sti­tuted an in­ter­fer­ence with the Charter of Fun­da­ment­al Rights of the European Uni­on, which prom­ises a right to pro­tect per­son­al data. The ad­voc­ate gen­er­al also said European data-pro­tec­tion au­thor­it­ies could sus­pend trans­fers of data to oth­er coun­tries on grounds of pro­tect­ing pri­vacy. The case was brought by Max Schrems, an Aus­tri­an law stu­dent, who ini­ti­ated a chal­lenge ori­gin­ally against […]

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