FBI Prepares Vast Database Of Biometrics www.washingtonpost.com FBI wants instant access to British identity data www.guardian.co.uk UK.gov says no plans for FBI DNA database hookup www.theregister.co.uk FBI wants palm prints, eye scans, tattoo mapping www.cnn.com Three giants compete for FBI biometric deal www.washingtontechnology.com Lockheed wins FBI contract potentially worth $1 billion www.reuters.com IBM protesting FBI’s $1 billion contract award for biometric database to Lockheed Martin www.signonsandiego.com US suspends IBM from seeking new federal contracts www.reuters.com Bush pushes biometrics for national security www.fcw.com “Big Brother” Presidential Directive: “Biometrics for Identification and Screening to Enhance National Security” www.globalresearch.ca This video was posted by GrandChessboard. www.youtube.com If a link doesn’t work copy and paste the headline in Google or on the site it’s supposed to be on.
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