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Fight against government spying war

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

A lawsuit against the National Security Agency’s (NSA) data collection remains in limbo even as the legal landscape has changed and more private companies have been suspected of collecting data. Represented by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), First Unitarian Church v. NSAchallenges the constitutionality of the NSA’s mass collection of phone records on First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment grounds. Filed in 2013, the case has not been heard or dismissed. The passage of the USA Freedom Act in the summer was expected by many to end the practice of mass data collection. Its passage led some to consider whether it might render cases such asFirst Unitarian Church moot. Instead, under the new law, which takes effect in November, telecommunications companies will hold users’ data until the government asks for it. The EFF now alleges that Verizon, Sprint, and AT&T have also participated in the NSA’s mass collection. The group says this happened when the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) declassified findings that the companies participated when a “compliance incident” was reported involving those companies. With this revelation, data collection programs appear to be operating with assistance from more telecommunications companies than previously confirmed. In a weekend editorial in World Affairs, Cindy […]

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