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Former Matamoras fire officers get prison time for stealing bingo funds

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Two former officers of the Matamoras Volunteer Fire Department who siphoned thousands of fundraising dollars were sentenced Friday to prison for two months up to two years.

Former fire chief Kevin DeGroat, 50, and his wife, former department treasurer Theresa DeGroat, 47, pleaded guilty to felony theft in February for stealing more than $68,000 in a variety of ways, mainly by pocketing some of the money they were supposed to deposit in the bank from bingo fundraisers.

Eastern Pike Regional Police Department reported the couple also used the fire department credit card to buy personal items, including DVDs, men’s shoes, a computer monitor and household goods at Sam’s Club, and used department funds to pay school taxes.

The DeGroats had an opportunity to speak before sentencing but said nothing.

The fire department will recover only a fraction of the $68,000 stolen. As part of the plea agreement, the DeGroats will pay back $25,000. Of that, $20,000 was to have been paid before their sentencing, but it was not paid by Friday. Since it wasn’t, they agreed to each add four years of probation onto their sentences.

Each received a sentence of two months to 23 months in prison; five years probation; a $500 fine; court costs; and both are prohibited from having contact with the fire department and from holding a director’s position in any nonprofit organization.

Kevin DeGroat works for the Port Jervis, N.Y., Department of Public Works. His attorney asked Judge Joseph Kameen to allow him to spend the first 30 days in prison but then serve the next 30 days on weekends only so DeGroat wouldn’t lose his job. Kameem did not act on the request.

Devastated department

When a person holds a position of public trust, such as the DeGroats did, they have an opportunity to do greater good or greater harm, Assistant District Attorney Bruce DeSarro said.

In this case, the DeGroats gave the fire department a black eye and prevented it from getting donations, DeSarro said.

Eight members of the Matamoras Fire Department were present to watch the sentencing. The department wrote Kameen, asking him to give the DeGroats the maximum punishment allowed by law.

The couple’s actions devastated the department emotionally and financially, leaving the department on the verge of bankruptcy, the letter said.

“In our opinion, Kevin and Theresa have not shown any remorse for their actions. We, the Matamoras Fire Department, find it even more disturbing that although Kevin and Theresa have admitted their guilt before you and the court, others in our community report that, Kevin and Theresa are publicly stating that they are innocent and being railroaded,” the letter said.

Outside the courthouse, angry DeGroat supporters said the couple faced the charges due to a personal vendetta from other members in the department.

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