Gardai to launch new Evofit technology to help identify criminals


Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

Commissioner Noirín O’Sullivan will today launch the new technology which will make it easier for witnesses to identify suspects. The technology has an identification rate of 60pc, according to its manufacturers. It constructs facial composites of offenders by witnesses and victims of crime. The system does not require eyewitnesses to have good recall of an offender’s face, unlike the traditional ‘feature’ methods, just to have seen it clearly. The technology constructs the most identifiable set of internal features, the central region of the face that is important for recognition by another person later (when seen by a police officer or member of the public). The system has a large range of hairstyles, hats, caps and hoods. There are tools available to improve the likeness on demand, such as to change the perceived age, weight, masculinity, health and other global properties of the face – the ‘holistic’ tools. Evofit is used by 16 police services in the UK, and has helped to increase the identification rate of suspects since it was introduced. source:

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