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Gene Simmons Hacker Arrested, Linked To Anonymous

The FBI has arrested a hacker linked to Anonymous for a DDoS attack last year against Gene Simmons’ website. The 24-year-old Kevin George Poe was apprehended in Connecticut. He has reportedly been ordered to appear before a Los Angeles court on an as of yet unscheduled date.

“The arrest once again sheds light on the increasing amount of DDoS attacks by criminals and hacktivists that are sometime out for financial gain or just looking to make a political or ideological statement,” Mike Paquette, Chief Strategy Officer at Corero Network Security, tells WebProNews.

“Traditionally, DDoS attacks have consisted of massive floods of network packets that overwhelm a company’s bandwidth, routers, firewalls, switches and servers,” he says. “ In 2012, blue chip corporations, retailers, banks and government agencies can expect more sophisticated application layer attacks that cause a denial of service without filling up all of the available bandwidth.”

“In other words, they don’t require a large volume of traffic to have their effect,” Paquette continues. “So in essence the attackers will profile a company’s Web application and build botnet scripts that use ‘heavyweight’ application transactions to overload backend databases and other servers. Attacks using these scripts cause the targeted application to become unreachable, thus making the DDoS attack successful.”

While many of us may think about Simmons as a rock star, Simmons all about business. He talks about this all the time. Have you ever seen the insane amount of Kiss merchandise there is? Simmons himself is always pitching it.

The lesson for businesses is to improve your security.

“In 2012, IT administrators should update their business continuity plans and improve their overall security posture in preparation,” says Corero. “The negative impact of business and productivity losses makes it essential to be diligent in preparation.”

“When working with technology providers, organizations should make sure their DDoS Defense solutions are flexible, improving the likelihood they are able to accommodate future variations of DDoS attack techniques,” he says. “Being prepared, vigilant and ready to act fast will go a long way in thwarting the DDoS attacks of tomorrow.”

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