Generation Real-Time

Real Time

Yesterday, while my football team was giving me a headache, once again, I was chatting with a friend – who suffers in the same way then I do – about the life results of the game. During that conversation I discovered an interesting point.

The discussion went on like this:
Me: Oh my gosh… not again.
Him: What? What’s up?
Me: Football? Bremen?
Him: Don’t tell me I wanted to watch Sportschau*. Well it’s too late anyway.
Me: Man, we are generation live! How can you not follow live results!
Me: Sorry for spoiling.
Him: Ah, never mind.
Us: Pretending to be experts in football and applying philosophy to our current teams situation and its possibilities for the rest of the year.

*Sportschau is a TV show, broadcasting inter alia on Saturday evening showing the best scenes of the football games of that day.

Well, from what I heard of our father’s generation, they sometimes did not want to listen to the radio (Internet was not really in use back then) so that they could sit down on Saturday evening, open a can of beer and watch the Sportschau with the best scenes and the results of today’s football games. Me personally, I have not watched that for a long long time. If I have time, I meet up with my dad and watch it live on pay-TV. Or in a sports bar. If that is not the case, I update myself via radio, but most importantly with Internet every couple of minutes on my laptop or my smartphone, depending on where I am then. It never crossed my mind that my friend could really wait for the evening and watch the highlights of the game then instead of hitting F5 every ten seconds to see if our team scored a goal already – or more likely for this season – received a goal. Why is that?

Of course, the Internet changed and shaped our society in a lot of ways. Otherwise, I would not have any content for my blog . But apart from that, our generation appears to not only always stay connected to the social networks etc. but also update themselves in real-time with what’s going on. Of course, that is only possible because there are news agencies and sites providing these information in real-time. Sometimes, I notice this flaw by myself. Before I went to bed yesterday (or better: today) at 2 am I was checking the sports news on how bad the performance of my team was. This morning when I woke up, Sunday morning 9am, I checked if there are updates. How the heck should there be updates? People tend not to work on a Sunday night between 2am and 9am. But being part of this generation and this spirit makes me want to have updates on certain issues in real-time no matter when no matter what. That is actually very interesting. Me personally, I can say that I adapted to the faster pace of information flow not only providing these kinds of information but also within the Internet and the past few years the even faster flow of said information.

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