Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans
Add cyber security to the list of high-paying jobs that go unfilled, a trend Georgia is scrambling to change. At the same time, the challenge brings an opportunity that could benefit majors in English, history and accounting as well as their parents and taxpayers. Last week a committee of administrators from eight colleges laid out the situation in the University System of Georgia for its Board of Regents. In 2014 they were told, there were more than 8,000 openings in Georgia for the emerging cyber security field, but just 46 graduates of the state’s public colleges trained to fill them. And the openings are growing fast, doubling in just four years, according to University System research. That compares to the 32 percent increase in Georgia openings in the hot Information Technology field in general. The system only graduated 2,300 students for those jobs, by the way. “There’s a significant gap there that needs to be addressed,” said Ken Harmon, provost at Kennesaw State University and vice chairman of the task force studying the issue. “…Just honestly, the USG is not producing enough graduates to meet the demand.” Georgia is the center of the cyber-security industry, partly because it’s also the […]
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