Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans
Good news, everyone. According to anew report from NBC, Chinese cyber attackers were hacking and reading email belonging to U.S. government officials between 2010 and 2014 (and that’s just what we know about) under the code name “dancing Panda.” Hillary Clinton, who was Secretary of State between 2009 and 2013, made their efforts really easy through her use of a private, unsecure email server at the time. Keep in mind, the FBI is currently conducting a criminal investigation into whether Clinton sent or received classified information on her private system. Clinton was certainly sending highly sensitive government information through her private account and the Chinese likely read it all. China’s cyber spies have accessed the private emails of “many” top Obama administration officials, according to a senior U.S. intelligence official and a top secret document obtained by NBC News, and have been doing so since at least April 2010. The email grab — first codenamed “Dancing Panda” by U.S. officials, and then “Legion Amethyst” — was detected in April 2010, according to a top secret NSA briefing from 2014. The intrusion into personal emails was still active at the time of the briefing and, according to the senior official, is […]
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