Hacker accesses Zappos.com customers’ data


Data of Zappos customers in hands of hacker

Online shoe seller Zappos.com said a hacker may have accessed the personal information of up to 24 million customers.

Customers’ credit card and payment information was not stolen, but names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, billing and shipping addresses, the last four digits from credit cards, and more may have been accessed in the attack, according to an e-mail that CEO Tony Hsieh sent on Sunday to employees.

Zappos is contacting customers by e-mail and urging them to change their passwords.

Zappos said the hacker gained access to its internal network and systems through one of the company’s servers in Kentucky. Zappos, based in Las Vegas, is owned by Amazon.com.

Walmart hires president of CBS Interactive

Walmart has named an executive from CBS Interactive as its new head of online operations.

Neil Ashe, 44, will take the job as president and CEO of global e-commerce. He replaces Eduardo Castro-Wright, who said in September that he plans to retire.

Ashe was previously president of CBS Interactive, based in San Francisco. Its sites include Cnet and CBS.com.

Walmart has made the expansion of online sales a priority. It has recently started to turn around stagnating sales at its stores.

Internet Retailer magazine estimates that Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, is the sixth-largest online seller.


Irish tycoon bankrupt in property crash

A famed entrepreneur who was once rated Ireland’s richest person was declared bankrupt Monday as a bank pursues him for debts exceeding $2.7 billion.

Lawyers for tycoon Sean Quinn withdrew his opposition to a Republic of Ireland bankruptcy order sought by the former Anglo Irish Bank, the reckless lender at the center of Ireland’s calamitous property crash.

The bankruptcy judgment will force a thorough court investigation of Quinn’s finances, which the bank hopes will reveal capital and assets that it can reclaim from Quinn, his wife and five children.

Quinn, 64, had a reported 2007 net worth of $6 billion but sank much of his fortune into Anglo months before the bank – the most aggressive lender to Ireland’s construction barons – suffered crippling losses as the country’s decadelong property bubble burst.

This article appeared on page D – 3 of the San Francisco Chronicle

Article source: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2012/01/17/BUAL1MQ49M.DTL

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