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Hacker convention taps into insecurities

LOUISVILLE, Ky (WDRB) — For years people have been worried about computer hacking. But at DerbyCon, people are learning that just the sound of your voice from your cell phone can reveal some very personal information.

Your voice is then used to track you down. “From a cell phone greeting, to dialing an entire neighborhood, to figure out what particular number in the neighborhood they happen to be and from their home addresses. It just gets you closer and closer to the information you need,” says HD Moore, chief security officer for Rapid7. The company consults businesses on their security.

Moore developed this software as a professional hacker working for a company that helps businesses find security weaknesses. He says he’s gotten pretty far with voice recognition. “The more information you gather about a particular target, the easier it is to impersonate them, the easier it is to forge credentials as them,” says Moore.

Moore says more criminal hackers lately are using the phone over the computer as firewall protection starts to get better.  “It’s just that people trust phones more than they trust emails. Folks often don’t realize that it’s really easy to spoof caller ID’s, spoof, mimic all sorts of things.”

Moore’s presentation blew away the 1100 people attending DerbyCon, one of the biggest hacker and security conferences in the country. While there are some former criminal hackers there, organizers say everyone is legit.

“We have black hat hackers which are your bad guys,” says DerbyCon organizer David Kennedy. “Ones that tout the law and do different types of things illegally.  Then you have your white hats which are us, the guys that are one the good side trying to protect against the bad guys.”

Folks here will tell you “hacker” is not a dirty word, thinking of themselves as people who bypass boundaries.

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