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by Associated Press
Posted on November 19, 2011 at 2:08 PM
HOUSTON — A hacker posted diagrams of a Harris County community’s sewer system online to show how easy it is to infiltrate the system.
The mayor of South Houston told the Houston Chronicle that no harm was done, but the Department of Homeland Security and FBI are investigating.
A hacker identified as “pr0f” posted the diagrams. Mayor Joe Soto said the plant’s control system has since been taken offline.
The hacker told the newspaper by email that it was easy to access South Houston’s online infrastructure diagrams. He said he had no intention of harming the plant, only to prove a point.
South Houston is a city of 16,000 people in the Houston area.
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Article source: http://www.khou.com/news/local/Hacker-posts-diagram-of-South-Houston-sewer-system-online-134178798.html
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