Hackers Launch DDoS Attack on D.C. Government Websites

Hackers Launch DDoS Attack on D.C. Government Websites

Hackers launched a DoS denial of service attack on D.C. government websites today, clogging the system with a flurry of requests so that it operates extremely slow or is impossible to load.
“The District government has detected an attempted intrusion into it’s technology infrastructure system,” the D.C. Department of Homeland Security and

Hackers Launch DDoS Attack on D.C. Government Websites, Blog, Hackers, LAUNCH, attack, government, DDoS, Websites, D.C.

Hackers Launch DDoS Attack on D.C. Government Websites, Blog, Hackers, LAUNCH, attack, government, DDoS, Websites, D.C.

Hackers Launch DDoS Attack on D.C. Government Websites, Blog, Hackers, LAUNCH, attack, government, DDoS, Websites, D.C.

Hackers Launch DDoS Attack on D.C. Government Websites, Blog, Hackers, LAUNCH, attack, government, DDoS, Websites, D.C.

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