How Will The Next President Protect Our Digital Lives?

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

As candidates hit the campaign trail, NPR looks at four major issues the next president will face from Day 1 in office. When President Obama took office back in 2009, “cybersecurity” was not a word that everyday people used. It wasn’t debated. Then, mega-breaches against consumers, businesses, and the federal government changed that. The latest came Tuesday, when the Internal Revenue Service said criminals used an online service provided by the agency to access the information of more than 100,000 taxpayers. Now, the 45th president will have to come into office with a game plan for how to protect us online. The plan could shape up any number of ways because our digital lives — and the attacks against our digital lives — are pretty new. But it’s something people care a lot about. With Edward Snowden, American citizens learned we’re the target of a mass surveillance program we didn’t know about, and that the National Security Agency, a military agency, is porous, vulnerable to insiders hacking and stealing. With the Sony attack we saw how security breaches can bring big companies to a screeching, embarrassing halt. And let’s not forget the new era of garden-variety crime. Credit card fraud, […]

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