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I-Team: Local Airports Vulnerable to Cyberattacks, Experts Warn

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans

Cyber security experts warn that hackers could have the ability to shut down an airport’s security network with nothing more than a laptop, according to an I-Team investigation. The cyber security systems are designed to keep airports secure, but security experts warn that the very technology used to keep us safe could also be the weak link for an attack. “Walking by these devices and knowing how poorly secure they are, it doesn’t sit well with me,” said Billy Rios, a cyber security researcher who makes his living finding security flaws. “It’s pretty bad — probably no thought has been given to cyber security at all.” In 2013, Rios tested machines –an X-ray scanner, an explosives detector called an itemiser and a time clock — found at airports throughout the world and uncovered major security flaws. Rios says the biggest vulnerability he discovered were passwords built into the software used in these security systems. “So anyone that knew the username and password, which we know, could just log into the device and get access to an airport network,” said Rios. “It just takes one second to abuse some of the vulnerabilities that we’ve seen.” Once in the system, Rios says […]

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