Are you eating too little protein?
Protein-rich foods require more calories to digest & assimilate–plus protein is key for building calorie-burning muscle mass. Aim for 0.75 to 1 gram of protein per pound of goal body weight.
Are you focusing only on cardio during your workout?
Muscle burns as much as 50 calories per pound, daily, compared with an estimated 2-3 calories per pound of body fat. Incorporate strength training into your regular workout routine (weight lifting, resistance bands, etc.).
Are you skimping on sleep?
Not getting enough sleep interferes with our body’s hunger hormones, causing us to feel hungrier more often. Being sleep deprived is also linked to slower fat loss, even when calories are kept in check. The solution: aim for at least 7 hours of sleep per night.
Are you skipping breakfast?
When we miss breakfast, or go long stretches of time without eating, the body shifts into fat conservation mode, telling the body to burn fewer calories. One study found that breakfast-skippers were 4.5 times more likely to be overweight.
Are you cutting too many calories?
Cutting calories can mean that our bodies make the switch to starvation mode, and can slow the metabolic rate by 100’s of calories daily. A general rule of thumb is to aim for 10 calories per pound of your goal body weight.
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